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王 尚
文章来源:  |  发布时间:2015-04-17  |  【打印】 【关闭】  |  浏览:










  1. 国家地区创新联合基金,“根际合成菌群促进柴达木盆地盐碱区植物恢复的过程、机制和方法”(U23A2043),262万,2024.01-2027.12,合作方负责人
  2. 重点研发课题,“长江黄河流域原虫分布特征与优控清单及病原微生物数据库构建”(2022YFC3204703),320.8万,子课题负责人
  3. 国家青年基金,“高温热泉嗜热微生物对非甲烷短链气态烷烃厌氧氧化潜力的研究” (41807316),25万,2019.01-2021.12,主持



  1. He, Q., Wang, S.*, Feng, K., Michaletz, S.T., Hou, W., Zhang, W., Li, F., Zhang, Y., Wang, D., Peng, X., Yang, X., and Deng, Y.*, High speciation rate of niche specialists in hot springs. ISME J, 2023. 17(8): p. 1303-1314.
  2. Zhang, W., Hou, W.*, Zeng, X., Wang, S.*, and Dong, H., High Abundance of Thaumarchaeota Found in Deep Metamorphic Subsurface in Eastern China. Microorganisms, 2022. 10(3): p. 542.
  3. Yang, X., Zhang, Z., Li, S., He, Q., Peng, X., Du, X., Feng, K., Wang, S.*, and Deng, Y.*, Fungal dynamics and potential functions during anaerobic digestion of food waste. Environmental Research, 2022. 212(Pt B): p. 113298.
  4. Wang, S., Hou, W., Jiang, H., Huang, L., Dong, H., Chen, S., Wang, B., Chen, Y., Lin, B., and Deng, Y., Microbial diversity accumulates in a downstream direction in the Three Gorges Reservoir. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2021. 101: p. 156-167.
  5. Wang, S., Hou, W., Jiang, H., Dong, H., Huang, L., Chen, S., Wang, B., Chen, Y., Lin, B., and Deng, Y., The Lifestyle-Dependent Microbial Interactions Vary Between Upstream and Downstream of the Three Gorges Dam. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2021. 9: p. 624476.
  6. Wang, S.#, Bao, X.#, Feng, K.#, Deng, Y., Zhou, W., Shao, P., Zheng, T., Yao, F., Yang, S., Liu, S., Shi, R., Bai, Z., Xie, H., Yu, J., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y., Sha, L., Song, Q., Liu, Y., Zhou, J., Zhang, Y., Li, H., Wang, Q., Han, X., Zhu, Y., and Liang, C., Warming-driven migration of core microbiota indicates soil property changes at continental scale. Science Bulletin, 2021. 66(19): p. 2025–2035.
  7. Sun, Y.#, Wang, S.#, Liu, X., He, Y., Wu, H., Xie, W., Li, N., Hou, W., and Dong, H., Iron availability is a key factor for freshwater cyanobacterial survival against saline stress. Environ Res, 2021. 194: p. 110592.
  8. Li, F.#, Wang, S.#, He, Q., Zhang, W., Guo, D., Zhang, Y., Hai, W., Sun, Y., Dong, H., and Hou, W., Minerals Determined a Special Ecological Niche and Selectively Enriched Microbial Species from Bulk Water Communities in Hot Springs. Microorganisms, 2021. 9(5): p. 1020.
  9. He, Q., Wang, S.*, Hou, W., Feng, K., Li, F., Hai, W., Zhang, Y., Sun, Y., and Deng, Y., Temperature and microbial interactions drive the deterministic assembly processes in sediments of hot springs. Sci Total Environ, 2021. 772: p. 145465.
  10. Hu, Y., Wang, S.*, Niu, B., Chen, Q., Wang, J., Zhao, J., Luo, T., and Zhang, G.*, Effect of increasing precipitation and warming on microbial community in Tibetan alpine steppe. Environ Res, 2020. 189: p. 109917.
  11. Wang, S., Wang, X., Han, X., and Deng, Y., Higher precipitation strengthens the microbial interactions in semi-arid grassland soils. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2018. 27(5): p. 570-580.
  12. Wang, S., Dong, H.L., Hou, W.G., Jiang, H.C., Huang, Q.Y., Briggs, B.R., and Huang, L.Q., Greater temporal changes of sediment microbial community than its waterborne counterpart in Tengchong hot springs, Yunnan Province, China. Sci Rep, 2014. 4: p. 7479.
  13. Wang, S., Hou, W.G., Dong, H.L., Jiang, H.C., Huang, L.Q., Wu, G., Zhang, C.L., Song, Z.Q., Zhang, Y., Ren, H.L., Zhang, J., and Zhang, L., Control of Temperature on Microbial Community Structure in Hot Springs of the Tibetan Plateau. PLoS One, 2013. 8(5): p. e62901.
  14. Hou, W.G. #, Wang, S.#, Dong, H.L., Jiang, H.C., Briggs, B.R., Peacock, J.P., Huang, Q.Y., Huang, L.Q., Wu, G., Zhi, X.Y., Li, W.J., Dodsworth, J.A., Hedlund, B.P., Zhang, C.L., Hartnett, H.E., Dijkstra, P., and Hungate, B.A., A Comprehensive Census of Microbial Diversity in Hot Springs of Tengchong, Yunnan Province China Using 16S rRNA Gene Pyrosequencing. Plos One, 2013. 8(1): p. e53350.
  15. Wang, S., Dong, R.M., Dong, C.Z., Huang, L.Q., Jiang, H.C., Wei, Y.L., Feng, L., Liu, D., Yang, G.F., Zhang, C.L., and Dong, H.L., Diversity of microbial plankton across the Three Gorges Dam of the Yangtze River, China. Geoscience Frontiers, 2012. 3(3): p. 335-349.
  16. 杨兴盛, 王尚*, 何晴, 王朱珺, 张照婧, 姜成英, 马黎萍, 刘贤伟, 胡宝兰, 李咏梅和邓晔*, 典型有机固废厌氧消化微生物研究现状与发展方向. 生物工程学报, 2021. 37(10): p. 3425-3438.
  17. 何晴, 王尚*和邓晔, 分子生物学技术在热泉地质微生物学研究中的应用. 微生物学报, 2019. 59(6): p. 996–1011.
  18. 王尚, 蒋宏忱和黄柳琴, 青海与黑龙江冻土带土壤微生物量碳及其 对环境条件的响. 中国科技论文在线精品论文, 2013. 6(21): p. 2046-2054.
  19. 王尚, 董海良, 侯卫国, 蒋宏忱, 万云洋, 魏晓芳和帅燕华, 微生物在生物煤层气形成中的作用及影响因素研究进展. 地球与环境, 2013. 41(4): p. 335-345.
  20. 王尚, 蒋宏忱, 黄柳琴, 余涛和杨忠芳, 中国东部农耕区土壤微生物碳的分布及影响因素. 地学前缘, 2011. 18(6): p. 134-142.
  21. 张照婧, 邓晔和王尚*, 环境样本中的细菌总量测定——流式细胞法. Bio-Protocol, 2021.
  22. 王朱珺, 邓晔和王尚*, 从环境样本中提取高质量DNA-研磨加DNeasy试剂盒方法. Bio-Protocol, 2021.
  23. 沈文丽, 王尚*和邓晔, 细胞内融合基因技术 (epicPCR) 测定功能类群多样性. Bio-Protocol, 2021.


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