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First Conference of the Academic Committee of the Key Laboratory of Environmental Biotechnology
Date:01.02.2015   |   【Print】 【close】   |   Views:

The first session conference of the academic committee of the Key Laboratory of Environmental Biotechnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), was held in the Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences (RCEES) on July 25th. The academic committee members of the Key Laboratory, the Bureau of Frontier Sciences and Education and the Bureau of Sciences and Technology Promotion and Development CAS, and all laboratory staff attended the conference, which was chaired by the academic committee director, Prof. Kang Le.


The deputy director of RCEES, Prof. Yang Min, delivered speech on behalf of RCEES, together with Prof. Zhuang Xuliang, hosted the appointment ceremony for the academic committee. Director of the Key Laboratory, Prof. Wang Aijie, presented the directions and prospects of the Key Laboratory, the associate director of the Key Laboratory, Prof. Zhuang Guoqiang and other laboratory group leaders, including Profs. Liu Junxin, Zhan Aibin, Deng Ye, Zhang Limei, gave presentations on their representative works. The academic committee members listened attentively and delivered speeches respectively, who highly praised and positively evaluated the achievements on the laboratory construction and frontier academic research. The academic committee members keenly expected the laboratory to achieve further significant progress and innovations in the future.



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